In 2021, investments in the electricity sector as a whole totalled about RUB 30 billion, twice as much as in 2020. Going forward, Nornickel plans to ramp up CAPEX in these projects.
The plant’s capacity has increased from 441 MW to 511 MW.
The replacement of generating unit No. 1 (130 MW and 160 Gcal) has been completed. Unit No. 2, with the same capacity as unit No. 1, is scheduled to be replaced in 2022.
As a result, the electricity capacity of CHPP-2 will increase from 425 MW to 515 MW, while its heat capacity will increase from 1,151 Gcal to 1,243 Gcal.
The terms of reference have been prepared for a project to upgrade the hydropower plant, involving the full replacement of all five hydropower units.
The active phase of the project will be launched in 2023 and will run until 2030.
The upgrade programme covers the replacement of the network infrastructure in the Norilsk Industrial District. The Company is also overhauling its gas infrastructure, with plans to complete the upgrade of a gas pipeline on the right bank of the Yenisei River.