Nonickel shares in the ESG index of the Moscow Exchange —

ESG rating — “А”

In the ranking among 160 Russian companies (January 2024)

ESG rating of ESG-III(a)

outlook is “stable” (strong commitment to integrating sustainability issues into its key decisions) as of September 2023


ESG index: I level (high)

as of September 2023

ESG rating В

level ESG-2 (high score in ESG) as of September 2023

ESG rating is “B”

as of April 2023

ESG-rating has been withdrawn in August 2023

ESG Risk Rating  — 44.0 (out of 100),
risk rating “Severe”

Exposure Score  — 76.7 (out of 100),
risk rating “High”

Management Score  — 46.5 (out of 100),
risk rating “Average”

Overall ESG score 4.3/5 (improvement from 2.4 since 2017), which puts NN in the top percentile.

Reiterated as an index constituent in December 2021.

Industry average — 2.2/5.

ESG-rating has been withdrawn in March 2022
ESG rating is “C”, performance score — 36.5, transparency level — high

as of May 2024

Overall ESG score has been increased from 33 to 44 (out of 100)

in November 2021 vs industry average of 34

ESG-rating has been withdrawn in March 2022

Climate Change 2021 – score “D” (M&M sector - “C”)

Water Security 2021 – score “C” (M&M sector - “B-”)

ESG-rating has been withdrawn in March 2022
ESG rating 58/100

as of February 2024


In November 2016, the Company joined the United Nations Global Compact

Norilsk Nickel’s environmental management is in compliance with international standards ISO 14001:2015

Compliance with GRI (global reporting initiatives) and RSPP public verification procedure. First social responsibility report in 2003

Nickel institute — member since 2005

International Platinum group metals association — member since 1999

Global Battery Alliance — member since 2021