
All rights to this information resource („the website”) are owned by PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel („Nornickel”, or the „Company”).

The website shall mean a collection of web pages at https://nornickel.com/, http://www.nornik.ru/, as well as in subdomains, internal folders and individual pages (http://nornickel.ru/folder_name, http://nornickel.ru/page_name.file, http://www.nornik.ru/folder_name, http://www.nornikel.ru/folder_name.file). Any other pages shall not be part of the website.

You agree to use this website under the terms which constitute a legal agreement between the user and Nornickel.

Nornickel reserves the right to change these terms of use at its own discretion and in accordance with the established procedure. Each time you access this website, please review the current terms of use.

By using this website, you assume the risk that the website content may be incomplete, inaccurate, or irrelevant in some circumstances. Nornickel shall not be held liable for potential errors or information gaps in the website content. The Company shall not be held liable for any possible damage resulting from the use of this website or lack of access thereto.

The website content is created on the basis of Nornickel’s data. However, these data do not constitute a guarantee or an obligation on the part of Nornickel in respect of the website users.

The website content may contain certain projections or information on future events, including those relating to Nornickel’s financial performance; the actual results may differ from these projections or information, and Nornickel shall not be held liable for any potential discrepancies.

Nornickel reserves the right to alter the structure and content of the website at its own discretion, as well as to discontinue the use of certain structural elements and the website as a whole. The Сompany shall not be responsible for introducing timely updates to the content of this website.

Nornickel shall not be held liable for the information provided on any websites and accessed through hyperlinks on its website. While all hyperlinks contain information relevant to a particular website, they do not imply any agreement of Nornickel with such websites or their owners.

Any website information on Nornickel products or services does not constitute an offer to the general public. The Company does not guarantee employment when providing information on available jobs.


The use of Nornickel’s website is regulated by the Russian laws.

Copyright and use of website materials

This website is the property of Nornickel. The website content is the property of Nornickel and may be used for information purposes only. Any reproduction of materials from Nornickel’s website must include reference to the Company and its website. Any commercial use of the content from Nornickel’s website is prohibited.

Any use of objects that constitute Nornickel’s intellectual property without Nornickel’s approval shall be deemed to be infringement of Nornickel’s rights and shall be subject to legal prosecution.

Personal data

Personal data include any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable natural person (personal data subject).

Nornickel is a personal data operator. Nornickel complies with the personal data processing regulations and respects the rights of personal data subjects as per the Russian personal data processing laws, including Federal Law No. 152-FZ On Personal Data dated 27 July 2006.

To ensure compliance with the Russian personal data processing laws, Nornickel has adopted a Personal Data Policy.

General personal data processing principles:

Personal data shall be processed lawfully and fairly.

Personal data shall be processed for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes only.

Personal data processing shall be compatible with the purposes of their collection. Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.

Personal data shall be accurate, sufficient, and, where applicable, kept up to date having regard to the purposes for which they are processed. Every reasonable step shall be taken to erase or rectify incomplete or inaccurate data.

Personal data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed, unless a different data storage period is required by a federal law or an agreement, to which the personal data subject is a party, a beneficiary, or a guarantor. Personal data shall be destroyed or rendered anonymous once the purposes for which they are processed have been accomplished or when these purposes are no longer relevant, unless otherwise required by a federal law.

Nornickel processes personal data if at least one of the following applies:

— consent (the user has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data);

— contract (processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party, a beneficiary, or a guarantor);

— law (processing is necessary for the performance or exercise of functions, powers and obligations imposed on the data operator by the Russian laws or processing is necessary for the purposes of international treaties signed by the Russian Federation);

— legal requirement (processing is required due to the person’s involvement in constitutional, civil, administrative or criminal proceedings or proceedings in an arbitration court, or to comply with a court order or an order issued by any other body or officer which is binding by virtue of the Russian laws governing enforcement proceedings, or is necessary for a federal executive body, a body of a state non-budget fund, an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or a local government body to exercise their powers, or for an entity involved in the provision of public or municipal services specified in Federal Law No. 210-FZ On Organising the Provision of Public and Municipal Services dated 27 July 2010, including the registration of the personal data subject on the integrated public and municipal services portal and/or a regional public and municipal services portal, to perform its functions);

— vital interest (processing is required to protect the life, health or any other vital interest of the personal data subject, provided that is impossible to obtain their consent);

— legitimate interest of the company or a third party (processing is required for the company or a third party to exercise their rights or pursue their legitimate interests, or on any other grounds stipulated by the Russian laws, or to achieve any important objective of general public interest, provided that such processing does not violate the rights or freedoms of the personal data subject);

— other (processing of personal data that have been made available to an indefinite number of persons by or at the request of the personal data subject, or are required to be published or disclosed by a federal law).

Rights of the Users as personal data subjects:

A User may, inter alia,

— revoke their consent to the processing of their personal data;

— request information related to the processing of their personal data;

— demand to update their personal data;

— challenge actions or omissions of the data operator.

Requests for information on the processing of personal data or for personal data updates, notices of revocation of the consent to the processing of personal data, and complaints about personal data processing and protection breaches shall be sent in a simple written form to the Company’s address specified in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or to the following address: 15, 1st Krasnogvardeysky proezd, Moscow, 123100, Russia. For a quicker turnaround, please send a copy of your message to personal-data@nornik.ru.


To make as much information as possible available to users, Nornickel is continuously assessing and improving its website’s performance in line with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).


Easy navigation is among our website’s distinct advantages. We have made it as user friendly as possible thanks to:

easy identification of sections and pages; highlighting the menu section browsed by the user; an additional navigation menu showing page layout and user location; adjustment of navigation tools to various devices (PC, tablet or a touch screen smartphone); a clear identification of external and internal links; additional hierarchical navigation (navigation routes) showing page location in the website’s structure.
Terms and abbreviations

We use certain terms and abbreviations on this website. When referred to for the first time, these will be highlighted and explained if clicked on. The most frequently used terms and definitions may be found in the Glossary.


Nornickel’s website employs user-friendly fonts and colours and offers special opportunities for users with visual impairments, including:

a zoom in/out function activated by pressing the [Ctrl] and [+] or [Ctrl] and [-] buttons as well as [CTRL] and Scroll Up or [CTRL] and Scroll Down on the scroll wheel.

While these functions help preserve the general page layout and element positioning on pages, we prioritise content readability and cannot guarantee page integrity when these functions are used. Also, we cannot guarantee full accessibility of our website content if customised settings are applied.

Various access devices and browsers

Nornickel seeks to ensure proper display of its website’s content by various devices and browsers. However, we cannot guarantee an identical display on every device. Some versions of browsers and access devices may fail to support the interactive content and technologies we employ. In this case, the interactive elements will be replaced by similar ones.

In case of difficulties when browsing our website, we recommend using a different browser (or a different version) or access device. You can also contact us directly using the following form:

Full name E-mail Request Access device (PC / laptop / tablet / smartphone) Model / specifications Operating system Browser and its version Captcha Consent for personal data processing
Website accessibility and disclaimer

Nornickel seeks to provide round-the-clock access to its website. However, due to some technical problems, our website may become fully or partially unavailable without prior notice.

Use of cookies
What is a cookie

A cookie is a small text file placed on your computer’s hard drive by your web browser. Cookies may be session and permanent.

Session cookies

We use session cookies to assign a unique ID to your computer each time you visit the website. They are erased when you close the browser. These cookies help us track users’ navigation activity (pages, links, time on page).

Permanent cookies

Our web server identifies permanent cookies stored on your computer’s hard drive. By assigning a unique ID to each computer, we can build a database of user activities and preferences, in particular frequency and recency of site visits, user preferences, and the effectiveness of our promotional efforts. Importantly, cookies do not hold any personal data and are used for activity tracking only.

Cookie consent

Session cookies do not require a user’s prior consent for their use, whereas permanent ones do.

You can manage your cookies by changing your browser settings to block or allow all cookies by default, make exceptions, accept or reject cookies. Cookie management varies with each browser. For more details, please use the below links:

Internet Explorer Chrome Safari Firefox Opera